Martin Bicher
Projektass.(FWF) Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
PostDoc Researcher
Data Science, E194-04
- Modeling and Simulation / 194.076 / VU
- Modelling and Simulation in Health Technology Assessment / 194.094 / VU
- Advanced Modeling and Simulation / 194.056 / VU
- Four Years of Not-Using a Simulator: The Agent-Based Template / Brunmeir, D., Bicher, M., Popper, N., Rößler, M., Urach, C., Rippinger, C., & Wastian, M. (2024). Four Years of Not-Using a Simulator: The Agent-Based Template. In C. G. Corlu, S. R. Hunter, H. Lam, B. S. Onggo, J. Shortle, & B. Biller (Eds.), 2023 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 255–266). IEEE.
Model Families for Multi-Criteria Decision Support: A COVID-19 Case Study
Bicher, M., Rippinger, C., Urach, C., Brunmeir, D., Zechmeister, M., & Popper, N. (2023). Model Families for Multi-Criteria Decision Support: A COVID-19 Case Study. arXiv.
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Project: KLIPHA-COVID19 (2020–2021) - Supporting COVID-19 policy-making with a predictive epidemiological multi-model warning system / Bicher, M., Zuba, M., Rainer, L., Bachner, F., Rippinger, C., Ostermann, H., Popper, N., Thurner, S., & Klimek, P. (2022). Supporting COVID-19 policy-making with a predictive epidemiological multi-model warning system. Communications Medicine, 2(1), Article 157.
- An iterative algorithm for optimizing COVID-19 vaccination strategies considering unknown supply / Bicher, M., Rippinger, C., Zechmeister, M., Jahn, B., Sroczynski, G., Mühlberger, N., Santamaria-Navarro, J., Urach, C., Brunmeir, D., Siebert, U., & Popper, N. (2022). An iterative algorithm for optimizing COVID-19 vaccination strategies considering unknown supply. PLoS ONE, 17(5), Article e0265957.
- Meteorological factors and non-pharmaceutical interventions explain local differences in the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Austria / Ledebur, K., Kaleta, M., Chen, J., Lindner, S. D., Matzhold, C., Weidle, F., Wittmann, C., Habimana, K., Kerschbaumer, L., Stumpfl, S., Heiler, G., Bicher, M., Popper, N., Bachner, F., & Klimek, P. (2022). Meteorological factors and non-pharmaceutical interventions explain local differences in the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Austria. PLoS Computational Biology, 18(4), Article e1009973.
- Model based estimation of the SARS-CoV-2 immunization level in austria and consequences for herd immunity effects / Bicher, M., Rippinger, C., Schneckenreither, G., Weibrecht, N., Urach, C., Zechmeister, M., Brunmeir, D., Huf, W., & Popper, N. (2022). Model based estimation of the SARS-CoV-2 immunization level in austria and consequences for herd immunity effects. Scientific Reports, 12(1), Article 2872.
- Methods for Integrated Simulation - 10 Concepts to Integrate / Popper, N., Bicher, M., Breitenecker, F., Glock, B., Hafner, I., Mujica Mota, M., Mušic, G., Rippinger, C., Rössler, M., Schneckenreither, G., Urach, C., Wastian, M., Zauner, G., & Zechmeister, M. (2022). Methods for Integrated Simulation - 10 Concepts to Integrate. Simulation Notes Europe, 32(4), 225–236.
- Time Dynamics of the Spread of Virus Mutants with Increased Infectiousness in Austria / Bicher, M., Rippinger, C., & Popper, N. (2022). Time Dynamics of the Spread of Virus Mutants with Increased Infectiousness in Austria. In 10th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling MATHMOD 2022: Vienna Austria, 27–29 July 2022 (pp. 445–450).
- HPR171 COVID 19 Vaccination - How to Support Decisions on Vaccination Prioritization for New Variants of Concern? / Jahn, B., Sroczynski, G., Bicher, M., Rippinger, C., Mühlberger, N., Santamaria, J., Urach, C., Popper, N., & Siebert, U. (2022). HPR171 COVID 19 Vaccination - How to Support Decisions on Vaccination Prioritization for New Variants of Concern? In ISPOR Europe 2022 Abstracts (p. S263).
- P16 COVID-19 Vaccination Strategies Considering a Vaccine Adapted to a New Variant of Concern: A Decision-Analytic Modeling Study / Jahn, B., Sroczynski, G., Bicher, M., Rippinger, C., Mühlberger, N., Santamaria, J., Urach, C., Popper, N., & Siebert, U. (2022). P16 COVID-19 Vaccination Strategies Considering a Vaccine Adapted to a New Variant of Concern: A Decision-Analytic Modeling Study [Conference Presentation]. ISPOR Europe 2022, Vienna, Austria.
- Evaluation of Contact-Tracing Policies against the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Austria: An Agent-Based Simulation / Bicher, M., Rippinger, C., Urach, C., Brunmeir, D., Siebert, U., & Popper, N. (2021). Evaluation of Contact-Tracing Policies against the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Austria: An Agent-Based Simulation. Medical Decision Making, 41(8), 1017–1032.
- How an election can be safely planned and conducted during a pandemic: Decision support based on a discrete event model / Weibrecht, N., Rößler, M., Bicher, M., Emrich, Š., Zauner, G., & Popper, N. (2021). How an election can be safely planned and conducted during a pandemic: Decision support based on a discrete event model. PLoS ONE, 16(12), Article e0261016.
- Evaluation of undetected cases during the COVID-19 epidemic in Austria / Rippinger, C., Bicher, M., Urach, C., Brunmeir, D., Weibrecht, N., Zauner, G., Sroczynski, G., Jahn, B., Mühlberger, N., Siebert, U., & Popper, N. (2021). Evaluation of undetected cases during the COVID-19 epidemic in Austria. BMC Infectious Diseases, 21(70).
- Targeted COVID-19 Vaccination (TAV-COVID) Considering Limited Vaccination Capacities-An Agent-Based Modeling Evaluation / Jahn, B., Sroczynski, G., Bicher, M., Rippinger, C., Mühlberger, N., Santamaria, J., Urach, C., Schomaker, M., Stojkov, I., Schmid, D., Weiss, G., Wiedermann, U., Redlberger-Fritz, M., Druml, C., Kretschmar, M., Paulke-Korinek, M., Ostermann, H., Czasch, C., Endel, G., … Siebert, U. (2021). Targeted COVID-19 Vaccination (TAV-COVID) Considering Limited Vaccination Capacities-An Agent-Based Modeling Evaluation. Vaccines, 9(5), 434.
- Synthetic Reproduction and Augmentation of COVID-19 Case Reporting Data by Agent-Based Simulation / Popper, N., Zechmeister, M., Brunmeir, D., Rippinger, C., Weibrecht, N., Urach, C., Bicher, M., Schneckenreither, G., & Rauber, A. (2021). Synthetic Reproduction and Augmentation of COVID-19 Case Reporting Data by Agent-Based Simulation. Data Science Journal, 20.
- Woher kommen die Covid-19-Zahlen? / Popper, N., & Bicher, M. (2021). Woher kommen die Covid-19-Zahlen? TU Wien Alumnitag 2021, Wien, Austria.
- Simulation Based Decision Support -the COVID19 Crisis from a Modeller's Perspective / Popper, N., & Bicher, M. (2020). Simulation Based Decision Support -the COVID19 Crisis from a Modeller’s Perspective. 25. Symposium Simulationstechnik - ASIM 2020, online, Unknown.
- Simulation and Optimization of Traction Unit Circulations / Rößler, M., Wastian, M., Jellen, A., Frisch, S., Weinberger, D., Hungerländer, P., Bicher, M., & Popper, N. (2020). Simulation and Optimization of Traction Unit Circulations. In Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 90–101). IEEE.
- Microscopic modelling of international (re-)hospitalisation effects in the CEPHOS-LINK setting / Zauner, G., Urach, C., Bicher, M., Popper, N., & Endel, F. (2019). Microscopic modelling of international (re-)hospitalisation effects in the CEPHOS-LINK setting. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 14(3), 261.
- ARGESIM Benchmark C11 'SCARA Robot': Comparison of Basic Implementations in EXCEL and MATLAB / Rekova, O., Pelzmann, N., Mandl, P., Hoffmann, M., Ecker, H., Körner, A., Bicher, M., & Breitenecker, F. (2019). ARGESIM Benchmark C11 “SCARA Robot”: Comparison of Basic Implementations in EXCEL and MATLAB. SNE Simulation Notes Europe, 29(3), 149–158.
- Direct Implementation of ARGESIM Benchmark C7 'Constrained Pendulum' in MATLAB and EXCEL / Stockinger, A. E., Gütl, E., Rath, S. A., Strasser, D., Bicher, M., Körner, A., & Ecker, H. (2019). Direct Implementation of ARGESIM Benchmark C7 “Constrained Pendulum” in MATLAB and EXCEL. SNE Simulation Notes Europe, 29(2), 105–110.
Simulation-based disaggregation of train delay data using graph neural networks
Viehauser, M. (2024). Simulation-based disaggregation of train delay data using graph neural networks [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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