Marion Scholz
Senior Lecturer Mag.a rer.soc.oec.
Senior Lecturer
Business Informatics, E194-03 -
Curriculum Commission for Business Informatics
Vice Chair
- Advanced Software Engineering / 194.021 / VU
- Foundations of Information Systems / 192.104 / VU
- Fundamentals of Digital Systems / 192.134 / VU
- Research Methods / 194.078 / SE
- Seminar for Master Students in Business Informatics / 180.779 / SE
- Seminar for Master Students in Data Science / 180.772 / SE
- Software Engineering / 194.020 / VU
- Modeling / 194.022 / VU
- Research Methods / 194.078 / SE
- Seminar for Master Students in Business Informatics / 180.779 / SE
- Seminar for Master Students in Data Science / 180.772 / SE
- UML@Classroom: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Modeling / Seidl, M., Scholz, M., Huemer, C., & Kappel, G. (2015). UML@Classroom: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Modeling. In Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science. Springer.
- Tool Use in Software Modelling Education / Akayama, S., Demuth, B., Lethbridge, T., Scholz, M., Stevens, P., & Stikkolorum, D. (2014). Tool Use in Software Modelling Education. In Proceedings of the Educators’ Symposium 2013 @ MODELS (pp. 1–22).
Making UML "hip": A First Experience Report on Using Modern Teaching Tools for Object-Oriented Modelling
Scholz, M., Kaufmann, P., & Seidl, M. (2013). Making UML “hip”: A First Experience Report on Using Modern Teaching Tools for Object-Oriented Modelling. In Proceedings of the Educators’ Symposium co-located with ACM/IEEE 16th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2013) (pp. 1–8). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Project: FAME (2011–2014) - Replacing traditional classroom lectures with lecture videos / Scholz, M., Mayerhofer, T., Seidl, M., & Huemer, C. (2012). Replacing traditional classroom lectures with lecture videos. In Proceedings of the 8th edition of the Educators’ Symposium on - EduSymp ’12. Educators’ Symposium @ MODELS 2012, Innsbruck, Austria. ACM Digital Library.
- UML@Classroom - Eine Einführung in die objektorientierte Modellierung / Seidl, M., Scholz, M., Huemer, C., & Kappel, G. (2012). UML@Classroom - Eine Einführung in die objektorientierte Modellierung. dpunkt.verlag.
- New Media in Teaching UML in the Large - an Experience Report / Scholz, M., Wieland, K., & Huemer, C. (2011). New Media in Teaching UML in the Large - an Experience Report. ECEASST, 34: SOFTWARE MODELING IN EDUCATION AT MODELS 2010(34).
- Teaching Models@BIG: On Efficiently Assessing Modeling Concepts / Scholz, M., Seidl, M., & Kappel, G. (2009). Teaching Models@BIG: On Efficiently Assessing Modeling Concepts. In Educators’ Symposium @ Models 2009 (p. 8).
- Verbesserung der Qualität in der Massenlehre durch die Moodle-Adaptierung TUWEL / Scholz, M., & Seidl, M. (2009). Verbesserung der Qualität in der Massenlehre durch die Moodle-Adaptierung TUWEL. 6. Internationale Österreichische, TU Wien, Austria.
- Exercises for Object-Oriented Modeling / Scholz, M., Seidl, M., Wimmer, M., Huemer, C., & Kappel, G. (2008). Exercises for Object-Oriented Modeling. Educators Symposium @ MODELS 2008, Toulouse, Frankreich, EU.
- Teaching Models @ BIG - How to Give 1000 Students an Understanding of the UML / Scholz, M., Seidl, M., Wimmer, M., Huemer, C., & Kappel, G. (2008). Teaching Models @ BIG - How to Give 1000 Students an Understanding of the UML. In M. Śmiałek (Ed.), Promoting Software Modeling Through Active Education, Educators Symposium Models’08 (pp. 64–68). Warsaw University of Technology.
- Ein umfassendes Lehrkonzept für UMBE mit E-Learning Unterstützung und virtuellen Umgebungen / Scholz, M. (2006). Ein umfassendes Lehrkonzept für UMBE mit E-Learning Unterstützung und virtuellen Umgebungen [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.