Irina Nalis-Neuner Mag.a rer.nat. rer.nat.
PostDoc Researcher
Data Science, E194-04
- Towards Possibility: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Enhancing Recommender Systems Beyond Accuracy / Nalis, I., & Neidhardt, J. (2024, October 12). Towards Possibility: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Enhancing Recommender Systems Beyond Accuracy [Conference Presentation]. ACM Europe School on Recommender Systems 2024, Bari, Italy.
Navigating Serendipity - An Experimental User Study On The Interplay of Trust and Serendipity In Recommender Systems
Nalis, I., Sippl, T., Kolb, T. E., & Neidhardt, J. (2024). Navigating Serendipity - An Experimental User Study On The Interplay of Trust and Serendipity In Recommender Systems. In UMAP Adjunct ’24: Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (pp. 386–393).
Project: CDL-RecSys (2022–2028) -
Like a Skilled DJ - an Expert Study on News Recommendations Beyond Accuracy
Kolb, T. E., Nalis-Neuner, I., & Neidhardt, J. (2023). Like a Skilled DJ - an Expert Study on News Recommendations Beyond Accuracy. In B. Kille (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics co-located with the 2023 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2023).
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Project: CDL-RecSys (2022–2028) -
News Diversity and Well-Being – An Experimental Exploration Of Diversity-Aware Recommender Systems
Basso, L., Nalis-Neuner, I., & Neidhardt, J. (2023). News Diversity and Well-Being – An Experimental Exploration Of Diversity-Aware Recommender Systems. In FAccTRec Program. 6th FAccTRec Workshop on Responsible Recommendation at RecSys 2023, Singapur, Singapore.
Project: CDL-RecSys (2022–2028) -
2nd ACM Digital Humanism Summer School
Nalis-Neuner, I. (2023, September). 2nd ACM Digital Humanism Summer School [Keynote Presentation]. 2nd ACM Digital Humanism Summer School, Wien, Austria.
Project: CDL-RecSys (2022–2028) -
Not Facial Expression, nor Fingerprint – Acknowledging Complexity and Context in Emotion Research for Human-Centered Personalization and Adaptation
Nalis, I., & Neidhardt, J. (2023). Not Facial Expression, nor Fingerprint – Acknowledging Complexity and Context in Emotion Research for Human-Centered Personalization and Adaptation. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (pp. 325–330). Association for Computing Machinery.
Project: CDL-RecSys (2022–2028) -
Sentiment Analysis - psychological perspective
Nalis-Neuner, I. (2023, January 25). Sentiment Analysis - psychological perspective [Presentation]. ÖAW Winter School 2023, Wien, Austria.
Project: CDL-RecSys (2022–2028) -
Recommender Systems: Techniques, Effects, and Measures Toward Pluralism and Fairness
Knees, P., Neidhardt, J., & Nalis-Neuner, I. (2023). Recommender Systems: Techniques, Effects, and Measures Toward Pluralism and Fairness. In H. Werthner, C. Ghezzi, & J. Kramer (Eds.), Introduction to Digital Humanism : A Textbook (pp. 417–434). Springer.
Projects: CDL-RecSys (2022–2028) / HumRec (2021–2025) -
The Role of Bias in News Recommendation in the Perception of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Kolb, T. E., Nalis, I., Sertkan, M., & Neidhardt, J. (2022). The Role of Bias in News Recommendation in the Perception of the Covid-19 Pandemic. In Kolb Thomas (Ed.), Unofficial Proceedings of the 5th FAccTRec Workshop on Responsible Recommendation at RecSys 2022.
Project: CDL-RecSys (2022–2028)