Ina Wagner i.R. phil.
Research Areas
- Multidisciplinary design, CSCW, qualitative methods, ethics, gender studies
Artifact-based Computing and User Research, E193-04
Assistive Technologies
2008 / Bundeskanzleramt
- Studies of Work 'in the Wild' / Salembier, P., & Wagner, I. (2021). Studies of Work “in the Wild.” Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 30(2), 169–188.
- A Historical View of Studies of Women's Work / Balka, E., & Wagner, I. (2020). A Historical View of Studies of Women’s Work. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 30(2), 251–305.
- Building Urban Narratives: Collaborative Site-Seeing and Envisioning in the MR Tent / Wagner, I. (2012). Building Urban Narratives: Collaborative Site-Seeing and Envisioning in the MR Tent. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 21(1), 1–42.
- Design Things / Binder, T., De Michelis, G., Ehn, P., Jacucci, G., Linde, P., & Wagner, I. (2011). Design Things. MIT Press.
- Lest we forget. The European field study tradition and the issue of conditions of work in CSCW research. / Bannon, L., Schmidt, K., & Wagner, I. (2011). Lest we forget. The European field study tradition and the issue of conditions of work in CSCW research. In S. Bødker (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (pp. 213–232). Springer.
- The Multidisciplinary Design Group in Vienna / Wagner, I., & Tellioglu, H. (2011). The Multidisciplinary Design Group in Vienna. In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. The 2011 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Hangzhou, China, Non-EU.
- Spaces for Participatory Creativity. / Wagner, I., & Bratteteig, T. (2011). Spaces for Participatory Creativity. In Proceedings of PDC 2010, Sydney, AUS, Nov 29-Dec 3, 2010. Proceedings of PDC 2010, Sydney, Non-EU.
- Methods That Matter in Digital Design Research / Mörtberg, C., Bratteteig, T., Wagner, I., Stuedahl, D., & Morrison, A. (2010). Methods That Matter in Digital Design Research. In I. Wagner, T. Bratteteig, & D. Stuedahl (Eds.), Computer Supported Cooperative Work (pp. 105–144). Springer-Verlag.
- Participation - exploring the wider political questions and utopian moments / Wagner, I. (2010). Participation - exploring the wider political questions and utopian moments. In Proceedings of PDC 2010. Proceedings of PDC 2010, Sydney, Non-EU.
- Epilogue: A Multidisciplinary Take on Digital Design / Bratteteig, T., & Wagner, I. (2010). Epilogue: A Multidisciplinary Take on Digital Design. In I. Wagner, T. Bratteteig, & D. Stuedahl (Eds.), Exploring Digital Design. Multi-Disciplinary Design Practices (pp. 283–285). Springer-Verlag.
- Analytical Perspectives / Morrison, A., Stuedahl, D., Mörtberg, C., Wagner, I., Liestol, G., & Bratteteig, T. (2010). Analytical Perspectives. In I. Wagner, T. Bratteteig, & D. Stuedahl (Eds.), Exploring Digital Design. Multi-Disciplinary Design Practices (pp. 55–103). Springer-Verlag.
- Exploring Digital Design / Wagner, I., Bratteteig, T., & Stuedahl, D. (Eds.). (2010). Exploring Digital Design. Springer-Verlag.
- ParticipArt: Exploring Participation in Interactive Art Installations / Jaccuci, G., Wagner, I., Wagner, M., & Giaccardi, E. (2010). ParticipArt: Exploring Participation in Interactive Art Installations. In IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2010 Arts, Media and Humanities Proceedings (pp. 3–10).
- On the Role of Presence in Mixed Reality / Wagner, I., Broll, W., Jacucci, G., Kuutti, K., McCall, R., Morrison, A., Schmalstieg, D., & Terrin, J.-J. (2009). On the Role of Presence in Mixed Reality. PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality, 18(4), 249–276.
- Asking for the moon Or model-based coordination in distributed design / Schmidt, K., Tellioglu, H., & Wagner, I. (2009). Asking for the moon Or model-based coordination in distributed design. In E. Balka, L. Ciolfi, C. Simone, H. Tellioglu, & I. Wagner (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (pp. 383–402). Springer.
- Towards Living Agendas — Shaping the next generation of business meetings / Schümmer, T., Tellioglu, H., & Haake, J. M. (2009). Towards Living Agendas — Shaping the next generation of business meetings. In E. Balka, L. Ciolfi, C. Simone, H. Tellioglu, & I. Wagner (Eds.), ECSCW 2009 (pp. 263–282). Springer.
- Lest we forget. The European field study tradition and the issue of conditions of work in CSCW research. / Bannon, L., Schmidt, K., & Wagner, I. (2009). Lest we forget. The European field study tradition and the issue of conditions of work in CSCW research. In Proceedings of ECSCW 2011 (pp. 213–232). springer.
- Supporting Community Engagement in the City: Urban Planning in the MR-Tent / Wagner, I., Basile, M., Ehrenstrasser, E., Maquil, V., Terrin, J.-J., & Wagner, M. (2009). Supporting Community Engagement in the City: Urban Planning in the MR-Tent. In C&T ’09: Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Communities and technologies (pp. 185–194).
- Steps toward a typology for health informatics / Balka, E., Björn, P., & Wagner, I. (2008). Steps toward a typology for health informatics. In Proceedings of the ACM 2008 conference on Computer supported cooperative work (pp. 515–524). ACM.
- The ColorTable - A Design Story. In: Proceedings of Tangible and Embedded Interaction / Maquil, V., Psik, T., & Wagner, I. (2008). The ColorTable - A Design Story. In: Proceedings of Tangible and Embedded Interaction. In Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Tangible and embedded interaction - TEI ’08. Proceedings of Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2008 TEI´08, Bonn, EU. ACM.
- Impediments to Change: The Case of Implementing an Electronic Patient Record in Three Oncology Clinics / Reidl, C., Tolar, M., & Wagner, I. (2008). Impediments to Change: The Case of Implementing an Electronic Patient Record in Three Oncology Clinics. In Proceedings of PDC 2008 (pp. 1–10).
- Facilitating Co-Construction by Social Practice Design: A Case of Geodistributed Employees Facing the Design of Model-Based Enterprise Systems / Jacucci, G., Cattani, C., Campagnolo, G. M., Wagner, I., & Tellioglu, H. (2008). Facilitating Co-Construction by Social Practice Design: A Case of Geodistributed Employees Facing the Design of Model-Based Enterprise Systems. In Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. The Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, MCIS’08, Hammamet, Tunisia, Non-EU.
- Design Games as a Part of Social Practice Design: A Case of Employees Elaborating on Organizational Problems / Jacucci, G., Tellioglu, H., & Wagner, I. (2008). Design Games as a Part of Social Practice Design: A Case of Employees Elaborating on Organizational Problems. In Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems. The 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galay, Ireland, EU.
- Design games as a part of social practice design: a case of employees elaborating on organizational problems / Jacucci, G., Tellioğlu, H., & Wagner, I. (2007). Design games as a part of social practice design: a case of employees elaborating on organizational problems. In Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, MCIS 2007, San Servolo, Venice, Italy.
- Permutations of cooperative work practices: A study of two oncology clinics / Schmidt, K., Wagner, I., & Tolar, M. (2007). Permutations of cooperative work practices: A study of two oncology clinics. In GROUP ’07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (pp. 1–10). Association for Computing Machinery.
- From the Margins to a Field of Opportunities: Life Story Patterns of Women in ICT / Birbaumer, A., Lebano, A., Ponzellini, A., Tolar, M., & Wagner, I. (2007). From the Margins to a Field of Opportunities: Life Story Patterns of Women in ICT. Women’s Studies International Forum, 30(6), 486–498.
- Opening the digital box Opening the digital box for design work - supporting performative interactions, using inspirational materials and configuring of place / Ehn, P., Binder, T., Eriksen, M. A., Jacucci, G., Kuutti, K., Linde, P., De Michelis, G., Niedenthal, S., Petterson, B., Rumpfhuber, A., & Wagner, I. (2007). Opening the digital box Opening the digital box for design work - supporting performative interactions, using inspirational materials and configuring of place. In The Disappearing Computer: Interaction Design, System Infrastructures and Applications for Smart Environments (pp. 50–76). Springer LNCS 4500.
- Using Fieldwork in Analyzing Ethical Issues related to IT in Health Care / Balka, E., Reidl, C., & Wagner, I. (2007). Using Fieldwork in Analyzing Ethical Issues related to IT in Health Care. In Proceedings of MedInfo 2007: Building Sustainable Health Systems (pp. 237–241).
- Materiality in Collaborative Design / Wagner, I. (2007). Materiality in Collaborative Design. CMC 2007 Coming to Terms with 21st Century Practices:nICT, Competence and Cultural Change, Oslo, Norwegen, Non-EU.
- Practices and Cultures of Knowledge Management / Jacucci, G., Tellioglu, H., & Wagner, I. (2007). Practices and Cultures of Knowledge Management. In Coordination of Collaborative Engineering - State of the Art and Future Challenges (pp. 107–121).
- Expressive Interactions Supporting Collaboration in Urban Design / Wagner, I., Psik, T., Maquil, V., & Wagner, M. (2007). Expressive Interactions Supporting Collaboration in Urban Design. In Proceedings of GROUP 2007 (pp. 1–10).
- Performative Roles of Materiality for Collective Creativity / Jacucci, G., & Wagner, I. (2007). Performative Roles of Materiality for Collective Creativity. In Creativity & Cognition 2007 Seeding Creativity: tools, Media, and Environments (pp. 73–82).
- The Austrian Case Studies I - III / Tolar, M., & Wagner, I. (2007). The Austrian Case Studies I - III (Final Report-2007-09).
- Performing success: identifying strategies of self-presentation in women's biographical narratives / Wagner, I., & Wodak, R. (2006). Performing success: identifying strategies of self-presentation in women’s biographical narratives. Discourse and Society, 17(3), 385–411.
- Donne nelle professioni Ict: il modello 'Dai margini a un mondo di opportunità' nel confronto tra Austria e Italia / Birbaumer, A., Lebano, A., Ponzellini, A. M., Tolar, M., & Wagner, I. (2006). Donne nelle professioni Ict: il modello “Dai margini a un mondo di opportunità” nel confronto tra Austria e Italia. In A. M. Ponzellini (Ed.), Quando si lavora con le tecnologie - Donne e uomini nelle professioni dell’ Information & Communication Technology (pp. 127–155). Edizioni Lavoro.
- Informationstechnik im Krankenhaus - eine ethische Perspektive. / Wagner, I. (2006). Informationstechnik im Krankenhaus - eine ethische Perspektive. In B. Herbig & A. Büssing (Eds.), Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im Krankenhaus (pp. 185–200). Schattauer.
- Biographical Stories of European Women Working in ICT / Birbaumer, A., Tolar, M., & Wagner, I. (2006). Biographical Stories of European Women Working in ICT. In Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology (pp. 64–69). Idea Group Publishing.
- Making Things Work: Dimensions of Configurability as Appropriation Work / Wagner, I., & Balka, E. (2006). Making Things Work: Dimensions of Configurability as Appropriation Work. In Proceedings of CSCW 2006 (pp. 229–238).
- Research, corporate power and gender: An example from corporate IST research / Wagner, I., & Tellioglu, H. (2006). Research, corporate power and gender: An example from corporate IST research. Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science “Silence, Suffering and Survival,” The Empire Landmark Vancouver, B.C., Canada, Non-EU.
- Ordering Systems in Health Care / Wagner, I., & Tolar, M. (2006). Ordering Systems in Health Care. In itAIS (Ed.), AlP-IS Ski Seminar ’06 - Program and Discussion Papers (pp. 119–128).
- PRACTICES AND CULTURES OF IT SUPPORTED DOCUMENTS / Mattarei, M., De Paoli, S., Storni, C., Wagner, I., & Jacucci, G. (2006). PRACTICES AND CULTURES OF IT SUPPORTED DOCUMENTS. In Proceedings of MCIS 2006 (p. 16).
- Practices and Cultures of Knowledge Management in Global Virtual (Software) and Real Component Manufacturing / Jacucci, G., & Wagner, I. (2006). Practices and Cultures of Knowledge Management in Global Virtual (Software) and Real Component Manufacturing. In Proceedings of MCIS 2006 (p. 11).
- Report Kongsberg Automotive / Jacucci, G., Tellioglu, H., & Wagner, I. (2006). Report Kongsberg Automotive.
- Augmented reality painting and collage: evaluating tangible interaction in a field study / Jacucci, G., Oulasvirta, A., Salovaara, A., Psik, T., & Wagner, I. (2005). Augmented reality painting and collage: evaluating tangible interaction in a field study. In M. F. Costabile & F. Paternò (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2005 : IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Rome, Italy, September 12-16, 2005, Proceedings. IFIP Press.
- Ethical Review in the FRR Project - A Continuous Process / Rauhala, M., & Wagner, I. (2005). Ethical Review in the FRR Project - A Continuous Process. Final conference of the FRR - Friendly Rest Room - project, Vienna, Austria, Austria.
- Ethical Review - A Continuous Process in an Assistive Technology Project / Rauhala, M., & Wagner, I. (2005). Ethical Review - A Continuous Process in an Assistive Technology Project. In Assistive technology: from virtuality to reality (pp. 31–35). IOS Press.
- Open Planning – A Reflection on Methods. / Wagner, I. (2005). Open Planning – A Reflection on Methods. In Managing as Designing (pp. 153–163). Stanford University Press.
- Reconfiguring Critical Computing in an Era of Configurability / Balka, E., Wagner, I., & Jensen, C. B. (2005). Reconfiguring Critical Computing in an Era of Configurability. In Critical Computing ´- Between Sense ans Sensibility (pp. 79–88). ACM.
- Configurability, Place Making and the Materiality of Documentation Systems: The Case of Two Oncology Clinics / Wagner, I., & Tolar, M. (2005). Configurability, Place Making and the Materiality of Documentation Systems: The Case of Two Oncology Clinics. 4S Conference - Society for Social Studies of Science, Pasadena October 2005, Pasadena, Non-EU.
- Work cultures in multimedia production / Tellioglu, H., & Wagner, I. (2005). Work cultures in multimedia production. Alpine Information Systems Seminar (ALP_IS), Carisolo, Trento, EU.
- A Manifesto for the Performative Development of Ubiquitous Media. / Jacucci, C., Jacucci, G., Wagner, I., & Psik, T. (2005). A Manifesto for the Performative Development of Ubiquitous Media. In Critical Computing - Between sense and Sensibility (pp. 19–28). ACM.
- Dynamic Texturing of Real Objects in an Augmented Reality System / Matkovic, K., Psik, T., Wagner, I., & Gracanin, D. (2005). Dynamic Texturing of Real Objects in an Augmented Reality System. In Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2005 (pp. 245–248). IEEE Press.
- Report Field Visit at Evatronix / Jacucci, G., Tellioglu, H., & Wagner, I. (2005). Report Field Visit at Evatronix.
- Ordering systems. Coordinative practices and artifacts in architectural design and planning. / Schmidt, K., & Wagner, I. (2004). Ordering systems. Coordinative practices and artifacts in architectural design and planning. COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK-THE JOURNAL OF COLLABORATIVE COMPUTING AND WORK PRACTICES, 13(5–6), 349–408.
- Performative Used of Space in Mixed Media Environments. / Jacucci, G., & Wagner, I. (2004). Performative Used of Space in Mixed Media Environments. In Spatiality, Spaces and Technologies (pp. 191–215). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Tangible Image Query / Matkovic, K., Psik, T., Wagner, I., & Purgathofer, W. (2004). Tangible Image Query. In Proceedings of Smart Graphics 2004. Proceedings of Smart Graphics 2004, Banff, Canada, Non-EU.
- Supporting Configurability in a Tangibly Augmented Environment for Design Students / Binder, T., Michelis, G. D., Gelautz, M., Iacucci, G., Matkovic, K., Psik, T., & Wagner, I. (2004). Supporting Configurability in a Tangibly Augmented Environment for Design Students. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8(05), 310–325.
- Zum Design inspirationaler Lernräume / Wagner, I. (2004). Zum Design inspirationaler Lernräume. 4. Mensch & Computer Konferenz, Paderborn, EU.
- Working Women in ICT / Birbaumer, A., Tolar, M., & Wagner, I. (2004). Working Women in ICT. SIGIS - Symposium Gender & ICT - Strategies of Inclusion, Brussels, Austria.
- Wie können IT-Berufe für Frauen im europäischen Raum attraktiver gemacht werden? / Birbaumer, A., Tolar, M., & Wagner, I. (2004). Wie können IT-Berufe für Frauen im europäischen Raum attraktiver gemacht werden? WIT-Kolloquium, Wien, Austria.
- The Sensitive Sample / Matkovic, K., Psik, T., & Wagner, I. (2004). The Sensitive Sample. In Proceedings of Beyond Wand and Glove Based Interaction 2004. Workshop Beyond Wand and Glove Based Interaction, Chicago, USA, Non-EU.
- Widening Women's Work in Information and Communication Technology - Synthesis report of the European project 2002-2004 / Valenduc, G., Vendramin, P., Guffens, C., Ponzellini, A. M., Lebano, A., D´Ouville, L., Collet, I., Wagner, I., Birbaumer, A., Tolar, M., & Webster, J. (2004). Widening Women’s Work in Information and Communication Technology - Synthesis report of the European project 2002-2004.
- Arbeitspraxis und Qualifikationsbedarf im Multimediabereich / Tellioglu, H., & Wagner, I. (2003). Arbeitspraxis und Qualifikationsbedarf im Multimediabereich. Workshop “Qualifikationsentwicklung in der IT-Industrie - am Beispiel ausgewählter Bereiche,” Berlin, Austria.
- The 3D Wunderkammer, An Indexing by Placing Approach to the Image Storage and Retriveal / Matkovic, K., Siegler, J., Kompast, M., Psik, T., & Wagner, I. (2003). The 3D Wunderkammer, An Indexing by Placing Approach to the Image Storage and Retriveal. In Proceedings of Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (TPCG) 2003. Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (TPCG, Birmingham, UK, EU.
- Deliverable N° 6 - Professional trajectories and biographies / Wagner, I., Birbaumer, A., & Tolar, M. (2003). Deliverable N° 6 - Professional trajectories and biographies.
- Arbeitsumfeld, Arbeitspraxis und berufsbiographische Verläufe. DFG-Projekt Frauen in innovativen Betrieben. / Birbaumer, A., & Wagner, I. (2003). Arbeitsumfeld, Arbeitspraxis und berufsbiographische Verläufe. DFG-Projekt Frauen in innovativen Betrieben.
- PDC 2002, Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference, CPRS and ACM / Wagner, I. (Ed.). (2002). PDC 2002, Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference, CPRS and ACM. PDC 2002 Organisation Committee.
- Work Practices Surrounding PACS. The Politics of Space in Hospitals / Tellioglu, H., & Wagner, I. (2001). Work Practices Surrounding PACS. The Politics of Space in Hospitals. COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK-THE JOURNAL OF COLLABORATIVE COMPUTING AND WORK PRACTICES, 10(2), 163–188.
- Cooperative Work Across Cultural Boundaries in Systems Design / Tellioglu, H., & Wagner, I. (2000). Cooperative Work Across Cultural Boundaries in Systems Design. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 11(1).
- Software Cultures. Exploring cultural practices in managing heterogeneity within systems design / Tellioglu, H., & Wagner, I. (1999). Software Cultures. Exploring cultural practices in managing heterogeneity within systems design. Communications of the ACM, 42(12), 71–77.
- Open Design Methodologies. Exploring architectural practice for systems design / Tellioglu, H., Wagner, I., & Lainer, R. (1998). Open Design Methodologies. Exploring architectural practice for systems design. In Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference ``Broadening Participation" (pp. 19–28).
- Negotiating Boundaries. Configuration Management in Software Development Teams / Tellioglu, H., & Wagner, I. (1997). Negotiating Boundaries. Configuration Management in Software Development Teams. COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK-THE JOURNAL OF COLLABORATIVE COMPUTING AND WORK PRACTICES, 6, 251–274.
- Flexible Standardisierung. Möglichkeiten der computerunterstützten Integration von Design und Produktion am Beispiel Architektur / Lainer, R., Wagner, I., & Tellioglu, H. (1997). Flexible Standardisierung. Möglichkeiten der computerunterstützten Integration von Design und Produktion am Beispiel Architektur.
- Software Cultures. The influence of work organization, management style and occupational culture on systems designers' approaches in a cross-cultural perspective / Wagner, I., & Tellioglu, H. (1995). Software Cultures. The influence of work organization, management style and occupational culture on systems designers’ approaches in a cross-cultural perspective.
- Participatory User Interface und Interaction Design im Web App Engineering / Rainer, C. (2012). Participatory User Interface und Interaction Design im Web App Engineering [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Über die Realität im Zeitalter digitaler Fotografie
Brugner, S. (2011). Über die Realität im Zeitalter digitaler Fotografie [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (5.63 MB) - The affective PDF reader / Radits, M. (2011). The affective PDF reader [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- A usability engineering lifecycle for applications in safety-related environments / Zahler, T. (2010). A usability engineering lifecycle for applications in safety-related environments [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Multimedia im Museum : vom Musentempel zum Multimediamuseum / Treutler, T. (2009). Multimedia im Museum : vom Musentempel zum Multimediamuseum [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Konzepte des Kulturmanagements am Beispiel von Webportalen / Kastner, P. (2009). Konzepte des Kulturmanagements am Beispiel von Webportalen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Internet-Kommunikation und -Inszenierung von Parteien und Politikern : Österreich und Deutschland im Vergleich / Schaubach, B. M. (2009). Internet-Kommunikation und -Inszenierung von Parteien und Politikern : Österreich und Deutschland im Vergleich [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Work practices with paper-based and electronic documentation systems : case studies in an oncology setting / Tolar, M. (2008). Work practices with paper-based and electronic documentation systems : case studies in an oncology setting [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Erkenntnisse über die Einsatzpotentiale von integrierten mobilen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien bei differenzierten Berufsgruppen / Lankmayr, G. (2008). Erkenntnisse über die Einsatzpotentiale von integrierten mobilen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien bei differenzierten Berufsgruppen [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Die technologische Unterstützung in niederösterreichischen Rettungsleitstellen : im Wandel der Zeit und im Vergleich zu anderen europäischen Rettungsleitstellen / Winnisch, M. (2008). Die technologische Unterstützung in niederösterreichischen Rettungsleitstellen : im Wandel der Zeit und im Vergleich zu anderen europäischen Rettungsleitstellen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Analyse von Varianten der Mensch-Computer-Kommunikation
Schmidmayr, J. (2007). Analyse von Varianten der Mensch-Computer-Kommunikation [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (2.25 MB) -
Tangible Tabletop Gaming : die Ebene zwischen Brett- und Videospiel
Idziorek, M. (2007). Tangible Tabletop Gaming : die Ebene zwischen Brett- und Videospiel [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (2.18 MB) - Becoming knowledge focused : developing a practical approach to managing knowledge in international organizations / Ugbor, U. N. (2007). Becoming knowledge focused : developing a practical approach to managing knowledge in international organizations [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Kommunikation in Notsituationen im Luftverkehr / Haas, M. (2007). Kommunikation in Notsituationen im Luftverkehr [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Design einer mobilen Anwendung um multimediale Inhalte an physischen Objekten zugänglich zu machen : unter Verwendung von Cameraphones, Visual Tags und Bluetooth / Jerko, M., & Treiber, S. (2007). Design einer mobilen Anwendung um multimediale Inhalte an physischen Objekten zugänglich zu machen : unter Verwendung von Cameraphones, Visual Tags und Bluetooth [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Development of an architectural web portal : Architoo / Sirbegovic, E. (2006). Development of an architectural web portal : Architoo [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Tangible interaction in mixed reality applications / Maquil, V. (2006). Tangible interaction in mixed reality applications [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Game Design Concepts / Ritzinger, C. (2006). Game Design Concepts [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Child learning software / Salih, Y. (2005). Child learning software [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Das Gender-und-Mathematik-Problem in der Schule / Lehner, K. (2005). Das Gender-und-Mathematik-Problem in der Schule [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- (Digital) ActionMusic / Mitsch, M. (2005). (Digital) ActionMusic [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Interaktive Medienkunst : Perspektiven einer Ausdrucksform / Baldauf, T. M. (2004). Interaktive Medienkunst : Perspektiven einer Ausdrucksform [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- User Interface Design in sicherheitskritischen Umgebungen / Blauhut, M. (2004). User Interface Design in sicherheitskritischen Umgebungen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Interaction design / Wiltner, S. (2003). Interaction design [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Community networks & cyberdemocracy / Kinast, F. (2003). Community networks & cyberdemocracy [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.