TU Wien Informatics


  • Predictive Rendering / Wilkie, A., Weidlich, A., Magnor, M., & Chalmers, A. (2009). Predictive Rendering. In SIGGRAPH ASIA ’09: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009 Courses (pp. 1–428). Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/1665817.1665829
  • Exploring the Potential of Layered BRDF Models / Weidlich, A., & Wilkie, A. (2009). Exploring the Potential of Layered BRDF Models. In SIGGRAPH ASIA ’09: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009 Courses (pp. 1–58). Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/1665817.1665824
  • A Robust Illumination Estimate for Chromatic Adaptation in Rendered Images / Wilkie, A., & Weidlich, A. (2009). A Robust Illumination Estimate for Chromatic Adaptation in Rendered Images. Computer Graphics Forum, 28(4), 1101–1109. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2009.01487.x
  • Anomalous Dispersion in Predictive Rendering / Weidlich, A., & Wilkie, A. (2009). Anomalous Dispersion in Predictive Rendering. Computer Graphics Forum, 28(4), 1065–1072. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2009.01483.x
  • Rendering the Effect of Labradorescence / Weidlich, A., & Wilkie, A. (2009). Rendering the Effect of Labradorescence. In A. Gooch & M. Tory (Eds.), Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2009 (pp. 79–85). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/52833
  • Realistic Rendering of Birefringency in Uniaxial Crystals / Weidlich, A., & Wilkie, A. (2008). Realistic Rendering of Birefringency in Uniaxial Crystals. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(1). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/169674
  • Modeling Aventurescent Gems with Procedural TexturesT / Weidlich, A., & Wilkie, A. (2008). Modeling Aventurescent Gems with Procedural TexturesT. In K. Myszkowski (Ed.), Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2008, Conference Proceedings. ACM. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/52316
  • Arbitrarily Layered Micro-Facet Surfaces / Weidlich, A., & Wilkie, A. (2007). Arbitrarily Layered Micro-Facet Surfaces. In Proceedings of Graphite 2007 (pp. 171–178). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/51951
  • A Critical Review of the Preetham Skylight Model / Zotti, G., Wilkie, A., & Purgathofer, W. (2007). A Critical Review of the Preetham Skylight Model. In V. Skala (Ed.), Journal of WSCG 2007 (p. 8). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/51923
  • Verification of Physically Based Rendering Algorithms / Ulbricht, C., Wilkie, A., & Purgathofer, W. (2006). Verification of Physically Based Rendering Algorithms. Computer Graphics Forum, 25(02), 237–255. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/173401
  • Grafische Datenverarbeitung / Purgathofer, W., Wimmer, M., & Wilkie, A. (2006). Grafische Datenverarbeitung. In P. Rechenberg & G. Pomberger (Eds.), Informatik Handbuch (pp. 857–904). Carl Hanser Verlag. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/25391
  • Using Virtual Reconstructions in a Planetarium for Demonstrations in Archaeo-Astronomy / Zotti, G., Wilkie, A., & Purgathofer, W. (2006). Using Virtual Reconstructions in a Planetarium for Demonstrations in Archaeo-Astronomy. In C. Sik Lanyi (Ed.), Proceeding CEMVRC2006 (pp. 43–52). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/51476
  • A Problem with the Use of XYZ Colour Space for Photorealistic Rendering Computations / Ulbricht, C., & Wilkie, A. (2006). A Problem with the Use of XYZ Colour Space for Photorealistic Rendering Computations. In R. Luo, S. Süsstrunk, & St. Westland (Eds.), CGIV 2006, 3rd European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, Final Program and Proceedings (pp. 435–437). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/51471
  • A Reflectance Model for Diffuse Fluorescent Surfaces / Wilkie, A., Weidlich, A., Larboulette, C., & Purgathofer, W. (2006). A Reflectance Model for Diffuse Fluorescent Surfaces. In Proceedings of Graphite 2006 (pp. 321–328). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/51499
  • Spectral Colour Order Systems and Appearance Metrics for Fluorescent Solid Colours / Wilkie, A., Larboulette, C., & Purgathofer, W. (2005). Spectral Colour Order Systems and Appearance Metrics for Fluorescent Solid Colours. In L. Neumann, M. Sbert, B. Gooch, & W. Purgathofer (Eds.), Computational Aesthetics 2005 (pp. 241–246). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/51227
  • Verification of Physically Based Rendering Algorithms / Ulbricht, C., Wilkie, A., & Purgathofer, W. (2005). Verification of Physically Based Rendering Algorithms. In Eurographics 05 State of the Art Reports [STAR] (pp. 95–112). The Eurographics Association, and The Image Synthesis Group. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/51109
  • High Quality Rendering of Reflectance Data / Meseth, J., Müller, G., Sattler, M., Sarlette, R., Artusi, A., Wilkie, A., Zotti, G., Klein, R., & Purgathofer, W. (2004). High Quality Rendering of Reflectance Data. Computer Graphics International, Yokohama, Japan, Non-EU. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/84648
  • Novel Colour Printer Characterization Model / Artusi, A., & Wilkie, A. (2003). Novel Colour Printer Characterization Model. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 12(03), 448–458. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/174828
  • A Multiresolution Mesh Generation Approach for Procedural Definition of Complex Geometry / Tobler, R., Maierhofer, S., & Wilkie, A. (2002). A Multiresolution Mesh Generation Approach for Procedural Definition of Complex Geometry. In Shape Modelling International 2002 (pp. 35–42). IEEE Computer Society. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/50902
  • Photon tracing for complex environments / Wilkie, A. (2001). Photon tracing for complex environments [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm. https://resolver.obvsg.at/urn:nbn:at:at-ubtuw:1-12237
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