TU Wien Informatics

New Double Degree “Logic and Computation” with LUH

  • 2024-06-20
  • Students

Our double degree program with Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) offers exiting new opportunities for students of our “Logic and Computation” master program.

New Double Degree “Logic and Computation” with LUH
Picture: Siarhai / stock.adobe.com

After completing the first semester of your Logic and Computation master at TU Wien Informatics, you continue your studies at our partner university Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) in Germany, where you spend your second and third, or their third and fourth semesters. In the second case, you will also complete your master thesis at LUH.

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About our Double Degree Programs

Curious about our other double degree programs? Find out more on our International Student Exchange and Erasmus page.

Improve Your Skills

Our double degree programs allow you to gain a more comprehensive knowledge of a specific subject as you’re able to study in two different countries. Although a double degree is a worthwhile endeavor and can be very beneficial, it does demand a little more commitment and self-discipline, while requiring excellent time management skills as you adapt to alternative teaching styles and overcome language barriers. But your effort will result in greatly improved personal skills, such as flexibility and cultural openness, as well as in enhanced language abilities.

Expand Your International Network

A double degree can be a real advantage to those who want to pursue a degree where international experience is vital—and informatics certainly is such a science. Not only does it strengthen your employability prospects, but you will also improve your networking abilities and expand your personal and professional connections.

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