TU Wien Informatics

EuroVis Young Researcher Award & Best Dissertation Award

  • 2022-07-13
  • Doctoral School
  • Excellence

Renata Raidou received the Young Researcher Award for her contributions to biomedical visualization, David Kouřil won the Best Dissertation Award.

EuroVis Young Researcher Award & Best Dissertation Award

EuroVis is the premier annual conference for visualization & visual Analytics in Europe, held this year for the 24th time from June 13-17, 2022, in Rome. The EuroVis Young Researcher Award is given each year to one young researcher in the field who has already made a significant contribution to visualization in general and, more specifically, to the European visualization community (e.g., through outstanding scientific contributions to the EuroVis conference). This award intends to recognize people early on in their careers who have already made a notable contribution and are likely to make more.

The EuroVis Young Researcher Award 2022 went to Renata Raidou, Assistant Professor in the Research Unit for Computer Graphics at TU Wien Informatics. Raidou was recognized for her outstanding contributions to biomedical visualization with exemplary foundation and application in medical research, practice, and education. Raidou said, “Being honored for my efforts in biomedical Visualization and visual analytics over the last ten years with this award means a lot. I dedicate it to all the people I have worked with: my collaborators, students, colleagues, and the scientific visualization community. I want to thank three people in particular, as this would not have been possible without their essential contributions: Charl Botha for introducing me to the field of visualization, Anna Vilanova for being a great Ph.D. advisor who taught me what research actually means, and Eduard Gröller for his mentoring and support throughout these years.”

The Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award 2022 at the EuroVis conference went to TU Wien Informatics alumni David Kouřil for his outstanding doctoral thesis, “Interactive Visualization of Dense and Multi-Scale Data for Science Outreach.” The work focuses on the problem of navigating through complex 3D models consisting of a large number of molecular instances. Kouřil’s work developed techniques that enable people to understand and interpret this data. Being awarded the prize means a lot to Kouřil: “Personally, this award gives me great validation. Like every Ph.D. student, I had my struggles, and sometimes it looked like I might not even finish the degree. Primarily thanks to strong guidance by my supervisor Ivan Viola, together with my co-authors, I was able to assemble several publications connected through a strong overall storyline, which made the final thesis write-up process pretty straightforward. Having this work recognized on an international level is the cherry on top. I’m happy to receive this award as a tribute to the excellent research environment and all the co-authors and colleagues I got to work with during my studies at TU Wien.”

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