COFUND Grant for the Logics for Computer Science Program
Our doctoral program LogiCS@TUWien will be a European center of excellence for Logical Methods in Computer Science.

Implementing a unique combination of disciplines where logical methods have a decisive impact on practical computer science and society, the Logics for Computer Science Program (LogiCS@TUWien) of our faculty will be a top international graduate program.
A consortium of different scientists from our institute Logic and Computation with the research units Algorithms and Complexity, Databases and Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge-Based Systems, Formal Methods in Systems Engineering, Theory and Logic, and Security and Privacy and the research unit Cyber-Physical Systems from the institute of Computer Engineering, chaired by Stefan Szeider, was granted financial support by the Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND). It provides organizations with additional financial support for their researcher training and career development programmes.
The LogiCS@TUWien Graduate Program
The Logics for Computer Science Program ( LogiCS@TUWien) at TU Wien Informatics will be a top international graduate program implementing a unique combination of disciplines where logical methods have a decisive impact on practical computer science and society in the coming decades. It builds upon the highly successful LogiCS program which is funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF.
As a doctoral program and a hotspot for innovative logic-related research in Europe, it will establish an internationally outstanding center of excellence for Logical Methods in Computer Science. The structure of LogiCS@TUWien reflects our faculty and doctoral supervisors’ scientific strength in Logical Methods in Computer Science and their applications, particularly to Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Verification, Algorithms, Security, Distributed and Cyber-Physical Systems.
The above mentioned research topics are driven by demand from industry and real-world problems. The EU will support the envisioned program with the approximate sum of 5 Million Euros, whereas TU Wien contributes proportionally to the financing. It provides a 4-year long doctoral training for international PhD candidates at our faculty, offering an English language curriculum structured after the Anglo-Saxon model of doctoral education. LogiCS@TUWien will run for 60 months and foresees the recruitment of 20 PhD candidates.
Exposure to Industry
The LogiCS@TUWien program includes a mandatory six-month international or intersectoral placement at excellent research institutions or industrial research labs. The program features a structured curriculum with regular progress reviews, monitoring and feedback, and a broad selection of courses. The doctoral school will also provide a career development program, advice and support for students with innovative business ideas, and workshops for presentation and soft skills.
The internships and collaborations with industries and an Industrial Advisory Board, will expose students to new experiences and motivate them to work on real-world problems arising in applications.
Interdisciplinary Approach
The LogiCS@TUWien curriculum is designed to encourage interdisciplinarity between the involved fields and provides holistic training in the academic trade. This is achieved by joint seminars, scientific workshops, and compulsory courses outside the PhD students’ research fields. Apart from that, students will be involved in grant applications and conference organization. Each student will be supervised by (and closely collaborate with) two experienced and internationally renowned supervisors with different research foci.
Under the roof of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, the Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND) scheme of the European Commission aims to stimulate regional, national or international programmes to foster excellence in researchers’ training, mobility and career development. This will be achieved by co-funding new or existing regional, national, and international programmes to open up to, and provide for, international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary research training, as well as transnational and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career.
The COFUND scheme provides organizations with additional financial support for their researcher training and career development programmes. COFUND supports doctoral programmes for PhD candidates, as well as fellowship programmes for experienced researchers.
Grants provided by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions encourage individuals to work in other countries, thus making the whole world a learning environment. Collaboration and sharing of ideas between different industrial sectors and research disciplines to benefit the broader European economy are intended by the programmes. MSCA also back initiatives that break down barriers between academia, industry and business.
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