TU Wien Informatics

First Steps In Your Studies

Everything you need to know to get your bearings, and not miss any important dates.

Picture: Amélie Chapalain / TU Wien Informatics

Latest News

  • Mar 25, 2025 Admission, Public Outreach, First Steps, Students Wir beraten dich persönlich und beantworten Fragen zum Bachelor Informatik, Technische Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Aufnahmeverfahren und Reihungstest.
  • Feb 17, 2025 Studies, Admission, First Steps, Students Alle wichtigen Infos zu unseren Bachelorstudien und zum Aufnahmeverfahren.

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Prospective Students

Questions? Visit us our info events!

Every year in March at BeSt³ education fair, we offer tailored advice for prospective students and information about our bachelor programs.

Our Studieninfo event takes place every year at the beginning of the summer term. We will advise you personally and answer all your questions about our bachelor programs, the admission process, and the placement test. Join us!

I want a video! Sure, here you go :)

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/wgsN4fE7a_U

Find more videos about our bachelor programs on our YouTube Channel.


Bachelor Programs

Admission: The first step on the way to a bachelor degree is the TU Wien admission procedure, which includes an entrance exam.

Since access to all TU Wien bachelor programs is restricted, you need to participate in the admission procedure organized by our university. The TU Wien Admission Procedure pages describe the process in detail.

Upon successful completion of the admission procedure, you need to apply for actual admission to our university (i.e. the formal start of your studies at TU Wien), which is also a prerequisite for all further steps.

Admission takes place directly in your Online Application in TISS.

Should your native language not be German, you need to prove your proficiency. Please see the TU Wien Language Requirements page for all the details.

Preparation: New beginnings are hard good!

To help you get started, we offer the PROLOG, which takes place before the official start of each winter semester.

PROLOG is aimed at first-year students of our Informatics, Computer Engineering, and Business Informatics bachelor programs. This event aims to facilitate a smooth and successful entry into your studies. Therefore, we recommend you participate in any case, even if you already have prior informatics knowledge.

Info and Courses: Your studies consist of a variety of courses for which you must register in order to attend.

Our Beginners’ Day (each winter semester) and Beginners’ Welcome (each summer semester), respectively provides an introduction to informatics as a field of study and as a field of work, as well as an orientation to learning, organizing, and managing your studies.

Beginners’ Day and Beginners’ Welcome also mark the start of the course “Orientation in Informatics and Business Informatics”.

Course registration starts in September (winter term) and March (summer term), respectively. To register in time, please log in to TISS with your student account. Please also note that course registration has strict deadlines. Check your courses in TISS and make sure you register before their individual deadlines end.


Master Programs

Admission: The first step in your master program is your admission to TU Wien.

Admission to our master programs requires a bachelor degree received from a university of applied sciences or through another equivalent study at a recognized post-secondary educational institution in Austria or abroad.

The TU Wien Admission pages describe everything in detail.

Should your native language not be English, you need to prove your proficiency. Please see the TU Wien Language Requirements page for all the details.

Info Event: Join us and get started!

Our Masters’ Welcome info event takes place at the beginning of each term. It provides an overview of our master programs and helps you get started. The event is aimed primarily at newcomers and especially at those who have not completed a bachelor program at TU Wien.


Doctoral School

Entry: The first step towards your doctoral degree is to find a supervisor for your thesis.

Our Research Focus and Professors pages are good starting points to familiarize yourself with our faculty and research areas.

Admission to our doctoral program requires successful completion of a relevant master’s degree program. If you hold a relevant master from TU Wien, you can enroll for a doctoral study right away. For the others, the TU Wien Admission pages describe everything in detail.

Please also note that additional admission requirements may apply if you want to pursue your doctorate as part of one of our doctoral colleges.

All our doctoral courses are held in English, including those taught by our internationally renowned guest professors. Therefore we expect that you are fluent in English.

Info Event: Join us and get started!

Our Doctorals’ Welcome info event takes place at the beginning of each term. It provides an overview of our doctoral program programs and helps you get started. This event targets all doctoral students of our faculty, and especially the newcomers. Our Bachelor with Honor students and our master students who consider pursuing a doctorate are welcome as well.

Help and Advice

More questions?

Oh my, so many new things all at once! No problem, we are here for you and help.

Our Study Services team will be happy to help you with administrative matters such as credit transfers, transitional provisions, scholarships, and graduation. On their contact page you’ll also find the office hours of the deans of studies.

Studying abroad may be one of the most beneficial (and adventurous!) experiences in your student life. Learn more on our International Student Exchange and Erasmus page.

The student council offers a wide range of consulting services:

The TU Wien Corona website provides current information, rules of conduct, and recommendations for action relating to the coronavirus. Further information on the subject is published on the TU Wien coLAB Wiki.

Please help to minimize the risk of infection!

We put together a small list of useful links so that you do not miss any important announcements and news.

TU Wien Informatics

TU Wien