TU Wien Informatics

DC Resilient Embedded Systems

In this doctoral college we investigate novel methods to design, verify and implement safe, secure, and dependable computing architectures subject to real-time constraints.


Innovative Methods for IoT

The research field of Resilient Embedded Systems investigates novel methods to design, verify and implement safe, secure and dependable computing architectures subject to real-time constraints. With this doctoral college we cover all aspects of the direct interaction of computer systems and their environment, from the lowest level of circuit and hardware architectures to safety-critical cyber-physical systems like industrial automation, building automation & smart grids, healthcare, spacecraft, and automotive including networking infrastructures.

Designing such systems is challenging both from a scientific and technological perspective: Many functions are directly implemented in hardware for performance reasons, distributed and parallel processing is omnipresent, digital signal processing is often required, real-time and power/thermal constraints must be met, energy-efficiency is crucial, stopping operation in the case of failures is often not feasible, unique security issues and threats exist, “trial-and-error-style programming” is not an option in many applications, asserting system correctness by means of testing may be insufficient for the required dependability reliability level, emergent behavior originating from autonomous operation must be understood and controlled, integration and complexity issues created by the upcoming Internet of Things must be managed, etc.

Hosting Institutions

The DC Resilient Embedded Systems, funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, is a joint program of TU Wien Informatics and the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien . The program is open to national and international highly-qualified young researchers and offers four-years funding for doctoral positions. We explicitly encourage women to apply—in accordance with our inititaves to promote women in informatics, we grant equally qualified female applicants preference.

Research Topics

Fields of Specialization

  • Digital circuits and hardware architectures
  • Dependable, real-time systems
  • Hybrid systems and optimal control
  • Quantitative and runtime verification
  • Computational modeling and simulation
  • Autonomous systems, robotics and automation systems integration
  • Control networks design
  • Cyber-physical social systems & (Industrial) Internet of Things


Year 1

  • 9 ECTS Formal Methods in Computer Science (6 VU + 3 UE)
  • 9 ECTS Discrete Mathematics (4 VO + 5 UE)
  • 6 ECTS minimum within the gatekeeper modules of the master program Computer Engineering, aligned with the focus of the doctoral thesis After 12 to 18 months you defend your dissertation proposal in front of an academic jury.

Years 2-4

You are required to take 6 courses worth 18 ECTS minimum, where the amount of ECTS acquired with each course depends on the course’s difficulty and/or workload.

  • 9 ECTS min. in Fundamental Courses
  • You have to take 3 fundamental courses in the areas of Philosophy of Science (mandatory), Research Methods, Research and Career Planning for PhD Students, PhD seminar (conference-like system), or Innovation. At least one course must be related to methodologies.
  • 9 ECTS min. in Area Courses
  • You have to take 3 research domain specific Area Courses. They are selected together with your supervisor and need to be acknowledged by the DC’s chair and the Dean of Study Affairs.
  • 162 ECTS PhD Thesis



Andreas Steininger (TU Wien)

Advisory Board

Ezio Bartocci (TU Wien)
Karl M. Göschka (FH Technikum)
Martin Horauer (FH Technikum)
Wolfgang Kastner (TU Wien)
David Meyer (FH Technikum)
Muhammad Shafique (TU Wien)


Ezio Bartocci (TU Wien)
Johann Blieberger (TU Wien)
Karl M. Göschka (FH Technikum)
Radu Grosu (TU Wien)
Martin Horauer (FH-Technikum Wien)
Sascha Hunold (TU Wien)
Wolfgang Kastner (TU Wien)
Peter Puschner (TU Wien)
Semeen Rehman (TU Wien)
Ulrich Schmid (TU Wien)
Muhammad Shafique (TU Wien)
Andreas Steininger (TU Wien)
Jesper Larsson Träff (TU Wien)
Josef Widder (TU Wien)