Emiliano Lorini: Rational Capability in Concurrent Games
Join us on April 10, when Guest Professor Emiliano Lorini will hold a Guest Lecture on Rational Capability in Concurrent Games!

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TU Wien, Campus Gußhaus
EI 11 Geodäsie-Hörsaal -
1040 Vienna, Gußhausstraße 27-29
Stiege 1, 3. Stock, Raum CD0304
About Emiliano Lorini
The general aim of my research is to develop formal models of interaction between cognitive agents. I have mainly worked in the area of artificial intelligence (AI) with strong interaction with other disciplines such as economics, philosophy and cognitive sciences. Formal methods have been widely used in AI for modeling intelligent systems as well as different aspects of social interaction between artificial and/or human agents (e.g., a team of robots or a virtual agent or a social robot interacting with a human). In my work I use logic and game theory as formal tools for building models of interaction between cognitive agents.
I am interested in both the expressivity aspect and the computational aspect of formal models of interaction. I develop logical languages and semantics that are sufficiently expressive to represent interesting aspects of social interaction, and I study their mathematical and computational properties including axiomatizability, completeness, decidability and complexity. I provide decision procedures for such languages and semantics (e.g., for satisfiability checking and model checking) and leverage them to automate the reasoning and decision-making of artificial agents.
About Current Trends in Computer Science
This lecture is part of the Current Trends in Computer Science Lecture Series by the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School, where renowned Guest Professors hold public lectures every semester. If you are studying with us, the lecture series can be credited as an elective course for students of master programs of computer science: 195.072 Current Trends in Computer Science. Additionally, you can join courses held by this year’s Guest Professors of our doctoral colleges and the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School.
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