Reinhard Pichler receives Award for his work on welcome.TU.code
On January 21, Reinhard Pichler was honored with the “Digitaler Humanismus in der Praxis” Award for his work on the project welcome.TU.code

On January 21, the “Digitaler Humanismus in der Praxis” (Digital Humanism in Practice) Awards were presented for the first time. The award recognizes outstanding projects, people, and companies that promote Digital Humanism and translate its concepts into practice.
We are delighted to announce that Reinhard Pichler, Professor of Databases and Artificial Intelligence at TU Wien Informatics, received the award for his work on the project welcome.TU.code. welcome.TU.code started out as an education outreach project in 2015, offering free courses in informatics to unaccompanied adolescent refugees. The program has since expanded and now serves individuals, primarily from migrant or financially disadvantaged backgrounds, who have not yet had access to informatics. welcome.TU.code is coordinated by Reinhard Pichler and Nysret Musliu, Associate Professor of Databases and Artificial Intelligence at TU Wien Informatics, who also accepted the award in lieu of Reinhard Pichler at the ceremony.
The prizes were awarded by msg Plaut and Austrian Digital Value (ADV), with support of the Association for the Promotion of Digital Humanism. Jury members included leading experts from industry, science, culture, and governance, as well as initiators Georg Krause (msg Plaut) and Roland Ledinger (ADV). If you’re curious about the award ceremony, you can catch a glimpse of it in a short video clip that made the news on ORF ON.
About welcome.TU.code
welcome.TU.code started out as an education outreach project in 2015, offering free courses in informatics to unaccompanied adolescent refugees. The program has since expanded and now serves individuals, primarily from migrant or financially disadvantaged backgrounds, who have not yet had access to informatics. Welcome.TU.code offers basic informatics workshops, an introduction to software and hardware, and programming. The project now also includes cooperations with WUK WORK.SPACE and Sprungbrett: The course “IT-Projects for Youth”. As part of the informatics curriculum, students at TU Wien Informatics develop and facilitate workshops for young users with diverse backgrounds.
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