TU Wien Informatics

20 Years

UNIKATE Award Ceremony 2024

  • 2024-10-17

The award honors ideas for new technological developments that give people with disabilities more self-determination and equal participation in society.

UNIKATE Award Ceremony 2024
Picture: Normform / stock.adobe.com

The UNIKATE Prize celebrates ideas that lead to new inclusive technologies, allowing people with disabilities to experience greater autonomy and equality in society. UNIKATE ideas and prototypes facilitate a shared life of mutual respect and are developed together with people with disabilities.

The award ceremony for the selected projects from this year will take place as a side event of the Fachkonferenz Österreichischer Behindertenrat 2024: Gesundheit ohne Barrieren on October 17th.

At this year’s ceremony, 6 teams of students will present the following prototypes:

  1. „BodyFit“- HTL Donaustadt, Wien
  2. „BionicArm” – HTL Braunau
  3. „Life in third Person“ – HTL Donaustadt, Wien
  4. „Arbeitsplatzanpassung“ – TGM Wien
  5. „INDEPENDO“ – TU Wien
  6. „Digitaler Klingelball“ – HTL Rennweg, Wien

We’re inviting participants to submit their unique projects and innovative ideas for the UNIKATE Ideas Competition for 2024/2025 by November 1, 2024.

Registration and Livestream

Participation is free of charge, please register! (Even if you only want to participate online). Online participation will be available via livestream.


UNIKATE is a collaborative project between UNIQA, the Austrian Disability Council, and TU Wien Informatics’ Research Unit for Human-Computer Interaction. The annual competition provides a platform for inclusivity and shared development of innovative ideas. Find more info about winning prototypes of the last competitions here.

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