Alberto Marchisio wins INNS Doctoral Dissertation Award!
We congratulate Alberto Marchisio on winning this year’s INNS Doctoral Dissertation Award!

Dr. Alberto Marchisio, recent graduate of our DC Resilient Embedded Systems under Muhammad Shafique, has been recognized with the 2023 International Neural Network Society Doctoral Dissertation Award runner-up at the World Congress of Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2024) for his PhD thesis entitled Cross-Layer Optimizations for Energy Efficiency and Robustness of Advanced Machine Learning Architectures. Alberto is currently a Postdoctoral Associate at NYU Abu Dhabi.
The award ceremony took place during this year’s IEEE WCCI 2024 conference in Yokohama, Japan. Congratulations again to Alberto!
About the INNS Doctoral Dissertation Award
Each year, the INNS (International Neural Network Society) presents its INNS Doctoral Dissertation Award to the author(s) of the best doctoral dissertation(s) in neural networks, machine learning, and related fields. Awardees are chosen by INNS members in recognition of their high-quality, excellent, and outstanding research work. INNS established the program to recognize and encourage doctoral candidates in computer science and engineering among its members. The award is presented at the IJCNN Awards Banquet and is accompanied by a prize of $500. In addition, two runners-ups are chosen; each runner-up receives a price of $250.
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