Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024
Join us on May 24th for Lange Nacht der Forschung at TU Wien Informatics!

Lange Nacht der Forschung
On the #LNF, TU Wien Informatics will be present with 8 different stands at our main location at Campus Favoritenstraße. The program ranges from fun and informative puzzles that will leave your head spinning over experiments with racing cars and robots to a VR free-climbing experience of the Stephansdom. You’re more interested in learning about wireless data transmission and sensory gaming than in climbing a virtual wall? Then you’ll feel right at home at our Sensor-Based Gaming Lounge, or with trying out Intra-Body Communication, which turns your body into a wireless transmitter.
Get an inside look at what our researchers and scientists are working on, and experience first-hand how the field of informatics shapes our everyday lives! The Lange Nacht der Forschung offers entertaining and playful ways of learning about informatics for all ages and all levels of knowledge – whether you’re an absolute beginner or an informatics runaway.
All events and exhibitions are free of admission and are open from 5 pm - 11 pm (last admission is at 10.30 pm).
We look forward to seeing you there!
Find Your Way Around the different stations
Informatik begreifen - eduLAB Mitmachstationen
Explore and implement basic concepts and methods of computer science through play and discovery! Step into the world of computer science with our interactive tasks and puzzles on artificial intelligence, coding and algorithms, and gain insights and first-hand experience in the realm of computer science.
Abenteuer Informatik Ausstellung
You don’t often hear the words understanding Computer Science, Exhibition, and Fun in the same sentence – but we promise you that this exhibition will answer your questions about fundamental ideas of computer science that will leave your head smoking! With puzzles, magic tricks and food for thoughts, lots of questions about computer science are answered in a playful and entertaining way in this exhibition.
Vreeclimber Das Virtual-Reality-Klettersystem
The Vreeclimber virtual reality climbing system allows you to experience the feeling of climbing in the environment of an infinitely long, vertical climbing wall. Climb to the summit of Kilimanjaro, a crater on the moon or the tower of St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, all in the safety of the Vreeclimber!
This event will take place @Erzherzog-Johann-Platz 1, 1040 Wien
Autonome Rennfahrzeuge
You want to know what our research about algorithms and complex systems has to do with autonomous driving? Then we warmly invite you to come and see our autonomous model cars in action as we drive through our racing track! Our cars will have to mount obstacles and cross barriers by themselves, so an exciting race is guaranteed.
Sensor-based Gaming Lounge
You’ve always wanted to try out sensor-based applications? Then come and join us at our Sensor-based Gaming Lounge, where you will have the opportunity to try out sensor-based applications and play games with them! Through playful learning, we want to show you a few of the many possibilities that the combination of hardware and software can create when it comes to technology, sports and health.
Face-to-Face With a Robot
Come visit us and see the UR5e in action! The UR5e is a small collaborative robot (cobot) with six degrees of freedom that has all kinds of useful applications for industry, health care, and many other areas of everyday life. It can easily be programmed to manage a conveyor belt, assemble objects and it can even drill holes. You’re more interested in making a move than in conveyor belts? No problem, the UR5e can also follow you around as a movie assistant!
Touch me! Datenübertragung durch Anfassen
Bored of traditional wireless connections like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth? Then come join us and learn more about Intra-Body Communication, which turns your body into a wireless transmitter! Try out our prototypes and find out how Intra-Body Communications can shape new ways of interacting with devices in a safer and more energy-efficient way than traditional wireless connections.
Wie Computer die Bautechnik verbessern
You’re interested in how designs for architecture can be digitally and interactively sketched? Then come and visit our exhibition about how computers can improve structural engineering and building techniques! Learn more about how integrated simulations are able to display load-bearing capacities and lighting qualities, and what effects your design might have on the environment.
What’s the Lange Nacht der Forschung?
The Lange Nacht der Forschung takes place every year at universities and exhibition venues across Austria. On this particular day, you can discover what often remains hidden: exciting, surprising and wondrous things about science!
Experience science-in-the-making!
With guided tours, workshops, lectures, live presentations and experiments, the Lange Nacht der Forschung offers something for all ages and audiences, whether you’re a simply adventurous and curious about science or a professional scientist. It is for the curious, for those who think outside the box, for tinkerers, for young and old and for everyone who wants to know what the world of science is up to.
Admission to all events on the Lange Nacht der Forschung is free.
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