TU Wien Informatics

Educating on Ethical and Social Impacts of Digital Technologies

  • 2024-03-05
  • Public Lecture
  • Event

Panel discussion on the challenges of designing new approaches and methods for educating computer professionals.

Educating on Ethical and Social Impacts of Digital Technologies

  • This is an online-only event.
    See description for details.



  • Anna Bon, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands


The increasing impact of computer technologies on human lives both at the individual and social level requires to rethink the education of future computer professionals at many different levels. Future computer professionals need to be aware not only of the wide impacts of digital technologies, once they are deployed and put in their context of use, but also of the importance of the choices at the level of design and how they profoundly shape their future use. Moreover, these professionals will likely be interact with professionals with different backgrounds and expertise and able to work within interdisciplinary groups.

This panel, starting from the hands-on experience of different scholars and professionals, will aim at discussing some of the challenges in shaping new approaches and methods for educating computer professionals. The goal is to start collecting different viewpoints (academia and professional associations; Europe, US and Africa) to more systematically analyze strengths and weaknesses of existing approaches and to shape possible future initiatives within the Digital Humanism framework.

Online Event

We are looking forward to seeing you:

  • Participate via Zoom (meeting: 9638 9928 143, password: 0dzqxqiy).
  • The talk will also be live streamed and recorded on our YouTube Channel.
  • For further announcements and information, please visit the DIGHUM Website, which also provides slides and recordings of all our past events.

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