TU Wien Informatics

Digital Archives 2022: Now Things Are Getting Interesting

  • 2022-12-15

Historian and filmmaker Jason Scott will give a Lunchtime Talk on the past and future of the Internet Archive.

Jason Scott
Jason Scott


As the Free-Range Archivist at the Internet Archive, Jason Scott not only has a hand in outreach, ingestion, classification, and day to day administration of the thousands of items donated to the Archive, but also finds himself researching oncoming events and considerations for the future. In a fast-paced talk, Jason explains everything the Internet Archive has a hand in (not just the Wayback Machine) and what he has been thinking about regarding the road ahead (as well as keeping on the road).

About Jason Scott

Jason Scott is an American archivist, historian of technology, and filmmaker. He is the creator, owner and maintainer of textfiles.com, a web site which archives files from historic bulletin board systems. He is the creator of a 2005 documentary film about BBSes, BBS: The Documentary, and a 2010 documentary film about interactive fiction, GET LAMP. Scott works for Internet Archive and has given numerous presentations at technology related conferences on the topics of digital history, software, and website preservation.

Online participation

You can attend the hybrid talk via zoom. Click here to join.

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