TU Wien Informatics

Dines Bjørner: “Domain Science & Engineering”

  • 2022-11-04
  • Guest Professor
  • Doctoral School

Join us for a public lecture by guest professor Dines Bjørner of DTU Compute, Technical University, Denmark.

Dines Bjørner
Dines Bjørner
Picture: Mikal Schlosser

Domain Science & Engineering

  • from Programming Language Semantics
  • to Semantics of Humanly Artefacted Domains


We comment on the background for and current research & engineering developments in the new area of domain science & engineering.

From the point of view of the speaker it all started at the IBM Labor in Vienna in the early 1970s — 50 years ago. It then took its first initial forms at the United Nations University’s International Institute for Software Technology in the 1990s. Calculi for the analysis & description of domains emerged in the early 2010s. A final one has emerged here in Vienna, last and this week!

About Dines Bjørner

Dines Bjørner (DB) was born 4.10.1937, got his M.Sc.E.E. at the TU Denmark, Jan. 1962, his Ph.D.C.S. Jan. 1969, and his Dr.Techn. in 2021! After 14 years with IBM 1962–1975 (Stockholm, San Jose, Geneva, Menlo Park, and Vienna) Bjørner became full professor at TU Denmark, 1976. His area of research from 1976 onwards was/is based on work first done at IBM Vienna: methods, principles, techniques and tools for the development of (large scale) software: specification, requirements prescription and now domain description. DB has published some 125 (mostly single-authored) papers and 10 books (3 in Chinese). DB was the founding chairman of Academia Europaea’s Informatics section — mid 1990s, and is a member of the RANS (Russian Academy of Natural Sciences), and a Fellow of ACM, IEEE, FME, and ATV (Danish Academy for Technical Sciences). He was the founding and first Director of the United Nations International Institute for Software Technology, Macau, China, 1991-1997. Chairman of the Danish Government’s Informatics Commission, 1992-1995. DB received the John von Neumann Medal from Hungary, 1993, and Masaryk Gold Medal 1996, Dr.h.c. Masaryk Univ., Brno. Since his retirement in 2007 DB has lectured extensively in Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Nancy, Saarbrücken, Edinburgh, Vienna, Bergen, Uppsala, etc.

For Students

The lecture series on research talks by the guest professors of the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School can also be credited as an elective course for students of master programs of computer science: 195.072 Current Trends in Computer Science.

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