TU Wien Informatics

BMBWF and City of Vienna Honor Master Graduates

  • 2022-05-13
  • Excellence
  • Students

Master theses of three of our graduates were honored with the “Würdigungspreis” of the Ministry of Science and the “Dipolmarbeitspreis” of the City of Vienna.

BMBWF and City of Vienna Honor Master Graduates
Picture: Lemonsoup14 / stock.adobe.com

“Würdigungspreis” of the BMBWF

This state prize, financed from study support funds and endowed with EUR 3,000, has been awarded annually since 1990 to the 50 best diploma and master’s degrees at all Austrian universities and universities of applied sciences (out of a total of 16,000 degrees annually).

“Dipolmarbeitspreis” of the City of Vienna

Once a year, the City of Vienna awards prizes for outstanding diploma theses at TU Wien.


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