Algorithms instead of doctors, robots instead of nurses?
An online-symposium reflecting the increasing use of machines and algorithms in healthcare.

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This is an online event. Participation is free of charge. You can access the live stream of the ÖAW here
Machines and algorithms are increasingly being used in healthcare. To reflect on this development, the Austrian Academy of Sciences holds this online symposium in cooperation with the Medical University of Vienna. The lectures and discussions will focus on the roles of human beings - as patients, doctors, nurses, and technology developers.
While digitization in medicine is advancing and has led to significant improvements for patients in many areas, these changes also pose a considerable challenge. The central question is: What position do people find when more and more machines and algorithms are used in healthcare?
The symposium is curated by Tanja Stamm (MedUni Vienna), Astrid Weiss (TU Wien Informatics), Christoph Bock (CeMM and the University of Vienna), and Andreas Zuckermann (MedUni Vienna). The focus will be on digital diagnosis and therapies, using apps for mental support, and ways toward a patient-centered healthcare system.
The online symposium is part of the ÖAW’s Colloquium Digitale series of events, “Digitization, People, and Society,” which aims to promote dialogue on digitization and artificial intelligence in various public-oriented formats and focus primarily on actively shaping digital transformations.
PDF / 538 KB / Einladung-Colloquium-Digitale_Algorithmen-statt-AErztinnen-final.pdf
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