TU Wien Informatics

City of Vienna Diploma Thesis Award for Marcel Moosbrugger

  • By Claudia Vitt
  • 2021-05-20
  • Award
  • News
  • Excellence

Marcel was awarded this prize for his outstanding diploma thesis on “Automating Termination Analysis of Probabilistic Programs”.

Marcel Moosbrugger (right) won the Diploma Thesis Award of the City of Vienna.
Marcel Moosbrugger (right) won the Diploma Thesis Award of the City of Vienna.

On the occasion of the graduation ceremony for physics on May 17, 2021, in TU Wien’s Kuppelsaal, Marcel Moosbrugger from our research unit Formal Methods in Systems Engineering was awarded the City of Vienna Award for outstanding diploma theses at TU Wien.

Marcel is one of our Bachelor with Honors and was now among the seven award winners for diploma theses in the year 2020. His diploma thesis on “Automating Termination Analysis of Probabilistic Programs” was recognized for its excellence.

In his thesis, he dealt with deciding termination of computer programs as one of the most infamous challenges in computer science and automated the termination analysis of a class of probabilistic programs, called Prob-solvable loops, through (super-)martingale based proof rules.

Read Marcel’s whole thesis.

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