TU Wien Informatics

Braving Citational Justice within Human-Computer Interaction

  • By Katta Spiel / Claudia Vitt (edt.)
  • 2020-10-29
  • Event
  • Public Outreach
  • Social Responsibility

Neha Kumar and Naveena Karusala discuss citational justice in our new public lecture series on Critical Perspectives on Technology.

Braving Citational Justice within Human-Computer Interaction

  • This is an online-only event.
    See description for details.

Braving Citational Justice within Human-Computer InteractionNeha Kumar (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Naveena Karusala (University of Washington)

Central to the sharing of knowledge are citations, and how, why, and where citations are used has been an intense subject of study across disciplines. Neha Kumar and Naveena Karusala discuss the politics of knowledge production within HCI, drawing on parallels from related fields, as well as reflecting on their own experiences of being cited and not cited, citing and not citing. They also present recommendations for making concrete changes across the individual and structural in HCI, related to how they view citations, and how they might move themselvess towards the idea of citational justice.

Neha Kumar and Naveena Karusala will be joined by DI Marlene Wagner and Dr. Nima TaheriNejad (both TU Wien).


Registration and participation are free and open to the public.

About the Lecture Series

Technologies invade our everyday lives, take part in constructing our identity, classify (often violently) bodies, and, pushed by recent regulations on social distancing, play an expanding role in connecting families and friends. The effects of this rapid increase of technological dependency, though, further exacerbate existing inequalities, introduce new ones, and lead to previously less apparent pockets of freedom.

In the series “Critical Perspectives on Technology”, the project “Exceptional Norms,” part of the research unit Human Computer Interaction at TU Wien Informatics, invites interested audiences to participate in biweekly talks and critically engage with recent research on technology assessment.

Our speakers are trailblazing scholars and internationally renowned experts from a range of (inter)disciplinary standpoints in conversation with Austrian researchers as hosts.

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