TU Wien Informatics

Obituary for Gerhard-Helge Schildt

  • 2020-09-14
  • Obituary

It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of Gerhard-Helge Schildt, professor emeritus, who passed away on September 4.

Obituary for Gerhard-Helge Schildt

With the passing of Prof. Gerhard-Helge Schildt, TU Wien Informatics loses an exemplary academic lecturer, and we at the research unit Automation Systems mourn the loss of its former head. Please find the obituary by the research unit, represented by Wolfgang Kastner, as well as the family’s notice below.

Gerhard-Helge Schildt will be laid to rest on September 18 in Pressbaum near Vienna.

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