Week #4GoodAI
Joining the EU Code Week from October 12 to 16, we will host the Week for Good Artificial Intelligence for Austrian school classes. [Registration closed.]

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This is an online-only event.
See description for details.
We invite school classes across Austria to participate in a week of virtual activities fostering digital competencies, programming skills, and reflection on the intricate web between humans, society, and technology. All materials have been prepared in collaboration with TU Wien Informatics eduLAB. The materials are appropriate for use in classrooms of Unter- and Oberstufe.
Webinars, Career Guidance, and Live Lectures
The program features a broad range of virtual events, such as live lectures, webinars on the topics of programming on a computer or without it, How2Hack expert statements, live question-answer sessions as well as live career guidance workshops with a twist. (See the full program at ADA – Algorithmen denken anders.)
AI and Health
The topic of the Week for Good Artificial Intelligence is inspired by the Hackathon #4GoodAI, which is dedicated to the “individual and community health.” The linkage of healthcare and technology is one of the greatest success stories of our time. However, some of the old challenges still exist (infectious diseases, nutrition), while others are new (fake news, processed foods, sedentary lifestyles). The potential of artificial intelligence for good, especially in health and well-being, is groundbreaking.
Register Now and Join Us
We invite young people from 10 to 18 (5.–11. grade), primary, lower and upper secondary school teachers, and youth workers to join our Week for Good Artificial Intelligence. Participation is free of charge, but registration is necessary. [Registration closed on October 5.]
For the full program, resources, and registration go to ADA – Algorithmen denken anders
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