Geraldine Fitzpatrick receives IFIP’s 2019 TC 13 Pioneer Award
IFIP TC13 appoints pioneers to honour the greatest contributors to the development and growth of the field of human-computer interaction.

The IFIP Technical Committee on Human–Computer Interaction (IFIP TC13) has announced the 2019 winners of the IFIP TC13 Pioneer in Human-Computer Interaction Awards. IFIP TC13 appoints pioneers to honour the greatest contributors to the development and growth of the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) by engaging in the educational, theoretical, technical, commercial or professional aspects of analysis, design, construction, evaluation and use of interactive systems. A committee of distinguished experts considered 14 nominations, voting unanimously to honour five candidates with the 2019 TC 13 Pioneer Award: Anirudha Joshi (India), Helen Petrie (United Kingdom, Australia), Masaaki Korusu (Japan), Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa (Brazil), and our very own Geraldine Fitzpatrick (Austria, Australia).
We congratulate Geraldine on her Award.
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