Talk: Security Protocols: Model Checking Standards, Prof. D. Basin, ETH Zurich
Invitation to a talk by Prof. David Basin, ETH Zurich, head of the Information Security group and department head
- Starts at
TU Wien, Campus Favoritenstraße
FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith -
1040 Vienna, Favoritenstraße 9-11
Erdgeschoß, Raum HEEG02
The design of security protocols is typically approached as an art, rather than a science, and often with disastrous consequences. But this need not be so! I have been working for ca. 20 years on foundations, methods, and tools, both for developing protocols that are correct by construction and for the post-hoc verification of existing designs. In this talk I will introduce my work in this area and describe my experience analyzing, improving, and contributing to different industry standards, both existing and upcoming.
Contact: Univ. Prof. Matteo Maffei
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