TU Wien Informatics

20 Years

CD Laboratory: Compilation Techniques for Embedded Processors

  • 2014-01-01
  • Innovation

To control software development costs two main problems have to be tackled

  • All day event.

duration from 2002-2009

The aim of the CD laboratory Compilation Techniques for Embedded Processors is to develop the necessary compilation and decompilation techniques to make the production of highly optimizing compilers and decompilers for embedded processors feasible. These techniques should exploit the specific features of embedded processors and cover the wide range of optimizations like energy reducing optimizations, instruction scheduling, register allocation, software pipelining, program analysis, addressing mode optimizations, memory access optimizations, debugging of optimized code, binary translation and many more.


Andreas Krall

Research Group

Florian Brandner Dietmar Ebner Christian Thalinger Nerina Bermudo Ulrich Hirnschrott Gerhart Kobinger Ivan Pryanishnikov Viera Sipkova


VU2 Compilation Techniques for VLIW Architectures Dietmar Ebner and Florian Brandner (SS2008)


Institut für Computersprachen E185/1 Technische Universität Wien Argentinierstraße 8/185, A-1040 Wien, Austria Tel.: +43 1 58801-18511 Fax: +43 1 58801-18598 E-Mail: andi@complang.tuwien.ac.at

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