TU Wien Informatics

Full Professor (tenured) in Parallel Computing

  • 2009-03-17
  • Research

Announcement of an open position at the Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology

The successful candidate will establish her/his own group conducting research and teaching in the area of parallel computing. Research and teaching experiences are expected to include several of the following topics:

  • The design, analysis and implementation of efficient (including general purpose) parallel algorithms.
  • The design and optimization of effective programming languages, models and methods for parallel programs.
  • The design and analysis of parallel and high performance computing systems, such as SMP, cluster, and multi-core systems.
  • The development of algorithms and environments for parallel-, cluster- and multi-core computing.
  • Integration of parallel computing systems to modern infrastructures such as grids and clouds.
  • Programming environments (including tools for semi- or automatic parallelization) for efficient development of parallel programs.

The applicant should have demonstrated her/his ability to apply the above methods in various areas of Computational Science and Engineering such as e-science and simulation.

Application Deadline

June 15, 2009

A more detailed announcement and information on how to apply can be found at http://www.informatik.tuwien.ac.at/PC.pdf


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