ERC Grant Goes to Faculty of Informatics
Laura Kovacs, professor at the Institute for Logic and Computation, won one of the “Proof of Concept” grants of the European Research Council (ERC) in Dec 2018.
Set up by the European Union in 2011, the “Proof of Concept” grant by the ERC is funding researchers to explore the commercial or innovation potential of their research results. “Proof of Concept” grants are worth up to € 150,000 each and will be granted for excellent frontier research like Laura Kovacs’ work on automated assertion generation and automated theorem proving.
Closer to the market
In her research, Laura Kovacs deals with designing and developing new tools for program analysis. To be more precise, she works on methods for finding and fixing software bugs on an automatic level. “The automation of troubleshooting done by special algorithms is quite challenging, but we hope to bring our ideas closer to the market, since we want the big companies to apply our method,” explains Kovacs.
Kovacs and her team want to realise their ideas quite soon: “We hope that within two years, we have implemented concrete programmes for commercialising our research.”
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