Double Degree IT Security
Together with TU Darmstadt we have established this unique program with a specific focus on information security, offering a wide range of security-oriented courses and the opportunity to establish international collaborations.

- Partner: Fachbereich Informatik, TU Darmstadt
- Duration: 5-7 Semesters
- Degree: Diplomingenieur (Dipl.-Ing.) and Master of Science (MSc)
- Language: German, English
- Restricted Admission: Yes
This program gives students who are enrolled in our master program Software Engineering and Internet Computing the great opportunity to receive two degrees and, more importantly, to expand their international research network.
Should you wish to enroll in this double diploma program, you need to apply in writing. Your application must contain a detailed CV, a transcript of records including all your marks and courses so far, and a motivation letter. Submit your documents to Christopher Vomastek ( The program coordinator, Elena Andreeva, will inform you of your application’s result within 2-3 of weeks.
Please note that you can be eligible for an ERASMUS mobility scholarship. Therefore, you must apply for an Erasmus scholarship within the Erasmus application deadlines of the TU Wien International Office, even if you do not yet know whether your double degree application will be successful. Please contact the TU Wien International Office for any further questions.
Graduation Requirements
- At least two semesters in the master program Software Engineering and Internet Computing worth 60 ECTS at TU Wien Informatics
- At least three semesters in the master program IT Security worth 90 ECTS (60 ECTS through courses, 30 through Master thesis) at TU Darmstadt
- The Master Thesis must be co-supervised by a faculty member of TU Wien and a faculty member of TU Darmstadt. It may be produced in a company or in a research group, and must be submitted at both universities.
As a successful graduate, you will be awarded the title of “Diplomingenieur/in” (TU Wien) and “M.Sc.” (TU Darmstadt). The award takes place separately in the form of the relevant documents of award which are normally used by each institution. For Austria, this diploma will fulfill the requirements of a notice of award. Each degree certificate will state that the study program was completed under an agreement on a double degree program, and is only valid in combination with the degree certificate of the partner institution.